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Scientific pinyin, scientific nearly anti -meaning words, what does science mean?

Imperial examination
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Imperial Examination

Imperial examination system
The system of selecting talents in the feudal dynasty.The Sui Dynasty was established and abolished in the late Qing Dynasty. After 1300 years, the system was selected through the subject examination.It can be understood as the ancient college entrance examination.
The list is not the complete version, and the ranking is not separated.
Scientific history
And predicts the body.
Science and technology hospital
A neutral building in the revenge of the red alert expansion film must be occupied by engineers.
Scientific forecast
People have a well -known forecast on the future development trend of science.
A geographical and racial concept, after the Arabs occupied Egypt, became Muslims’ names for the indigenous Christian residents who are still using ancient Egypt.To.
Technology tree
By selecting different technical directions, different research and development results are used, and graphic is expressed into tree -like images.
Kerong Temple
Kerong Temple is located about 12 kilometers southwest of Siem Reap, which is at the northern end of Lake Lake in Donglisa.
Scientific spirit
The general term of common beliefs, value standards and behavioral specifications formed by people in long -term scientific practice activities.
Scientific attitude
In the “2061 Plan” promulgated, five items including curiosity and respect for empirical are included.
Scientific revolution
The fundamental changes of scientific new discovery and new scientific basic concepts and theories are established.It is a revolution in the field of human understanding, and it is also the fundamental transformation of the scientific theoretical system and the change of scientific thinking methods, thereby raising the scientific understanding of the objective world to a new level, and put forward the principles of various new understanding of the objective world.
Scientific satellite
Scientific satellite (Scientific Satellite) is used for scientific detection and research artificial global satellites.
the scientist
Scientist (Scientist): The objective digitization of real nature and unknown life, environment, phenomena and related phenomena reproduce, explore, and practice the uniform digitalization of uniformity, such as Einstein, Hawking.
  • Autumn school
  • Autumn
  • Meditation
  • Neurology
  • theology
  • Sociological
  • Ritual
  • Petrochemical
  • Stone
  • Knowledge