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Guyun and Made’s heachings, non -heritage fashion shows and family clothing competitions are staged in the Nylon Hall

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Ma SiyongPhoto/Interviewee provided
On May 19th, the non -heritage fashion show, the family clothing match and awards ceremony of “Pin Gu Yun · Yangmeid · Heirlance” was held in the Nylon Hall.The purpose of the event is to promote the excellent traditional culture of China, inherit non -heritage skills, show a beautiful family life, cultivate a good family style, and jointly promote the high -quality development of family tutoring family style in Liwan District.
Xiangyun’s hometown carried the prelude to the event with the “Warring States Fenghua · Jinxiu Huashang” non -relics incense Yunya series.This theme emphasizes the review of history and culture, seeking inspiration from history, and re -creation and derivation with fashion.
During the event, the “Warring States Style” series adopted the special bright black and black colors of Xiangyun Sin, and presented the romantic dragon and phoenix pattern and the patterns of the Warring States bronze wares on the clothing.The light and elegant gauze, the dreamy and beautiful headdress created a romance without time boundaries, exuding a strong sense of fashion.
The “Guyun Jin Song · Jiafeng Yongchuan” family clothing competition is a highlight of this event. The members of the participating family wearing traditional and modern clothing not only showed a harmonious and beautiful family relationship, but also brought warmth and warmth to the audience.hapiness.
In addition, during the collection of the “Good Family Wind” story and the theme photo of the theme of the “Home of the Home”, the participants shared the touching family stories and precious memories, and advocated that the majority of families should continue to cultivate good family style in the teaching of the body.
It is reported that the home of the Overseas Chinese Hall of the Nylon Hall is a non -genetic inheritance base created by Liwan District Overseas Chinese Federation, Liwan District Culture, Radio, Television Tourism and Sports Bureau, South China Agricultural University, and Xiangyun Hometown Culture Development Co., Ltd.On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, the “300 years of nylon, a total of a month -a total of a month -the Mid -Autumn Festival Concert at home and abroad”, “Haisi Culture and Non -Heritage Culture Sustainable Development International Academic SeminarThe meeting “” Overseas Merri 侨 —— Liwan District Overseas Chinese Merchants ‘Biography Non -Heritage, Advanced Arts, Qi Zhan Wings’ Non -Wingfang “and other large -scale activities, explore the road of sustainable development of Haise culture, promote non -heritage skillsculture.
This event is supported by Liwan District Overseas Chinese Federation and Liwan District Women’s Federation. Liwan District Cultural Museum, Guangzhou Xiangyun Hometown Culture Development Co., Ltd., Liwan District Overseas Chinese House, Huarin District Overseas Chinese House, Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College, Hualin Street Women’s FederationCo -sponsored by the Overseas Chinese House of the Nylon Hall, jointly co -organized by the China -US -African Heritage Cultural Exchange Association and the Liwan District Women’s Entrepreneurs Association.