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JD Health and thousands of brands upgrade the user protection industry to launch the "Expired Free Change" service in the industry

A few days ago, JD Health launched a service called “Expired Free” on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of to the service rules, users purchase products with the “Expired Free” logo until 90 days after the product expires, as long as the product is in a state of unknown, there is a chance to change the new for free.Each user can apply for a maximum of 10 products in each natural year.


It is understood that this service covers categories such as drugs, health products, nourishing products, and pet drugs and pet health products.After the service was launched, it quickly attracted the attention and discussion of netizens.Well -known current affairs comment Big V Hu Xijin also expressed his point of view on this service.Hu Xijin said that the “expired free exchange” service rolled pharmaceutical e -commerce to a new height and pushed e -commerce to buy medicines into the “flower rolling period”.


Many netizens said that this service provides a better guarantee for the family preparation of the family, but Hu Xijin also worked with the service. He said that “this service can be recovered by recycling the expired medicine.”

From the perspective of Hu Xijin, this service is far from solving the problem of drug waste.Different medicines are different from ordinary foods. Once you discard it at will, it will cause durable and concealed pollution to the environment.Therefore, he called for “the corresponding legal and policies of drug recovery and establishing a professional recycling chain.”

JD health quickly responded to Hu Xijin’s concerns.The relevant person in charge said that reducing the waste of medicine requires the joint participation of the whole society. The power of non -enterprises and a brand can be solved.As the “first entry of online health consumption”, launched the “Expired Free” service this time, on the one hand to provide you with more comprehensive health consumption guarantee, and also hopes to cause more people to get the problem of the period of drugs.focus on.

As of now, thousands of brands including 999, Ding Gui, Wanyi Lan WonderLab, Yuyue, Haili Hayo have participated in the launch of the “Expired Free” service.Reasonable medication; and expected to start with this, condense the strength of all parties, continuously optimize and innovate services, and create greater value for users, industry and society.






In addition, this time ’s purchase of medicine officially announced a series of services upgrades.In addition to the “Expired Free Change”, it also includes “365 days and not repaired”, “30 days price insurance” and so on.Now, as long as you open the Jingdong APP to search for “free change”, you can reach the venue directly. There is also a real benefit of low -cost explosion products such as 400 or 10 billion subsidies per crossing stores.Essence
